Pic 1: NYPD Deputy Chief Deodat Urprasad recognize by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan,Executive Director of South East Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 2: Mr. Kenny Miller Honored by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 3: Mr. Rahul Walia, Founder of South Asian Engagement Foundation, recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President, Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 4: Ms. Bharati Kemraj, The Bharati Foundation recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 5: Citation for Deputy Inspector Ralph Clement , Accepting on his behalf are his Sergeant Joanna Medina and Police Officer Alex Huang recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President, and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 6: Dilip Chauhan, Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs
Pic 1: NYPD Deputy Chief Deodat Urprasad recognize by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan,Executive Director of South East Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 2: Mr. Kenny Miller Honored by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 3: Mr. Rahul Walia, Founder of South Asian Engagement Foundation, recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President, Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 4: Ms. Bharati Kemraj, The Bharati Foundation recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 5: Citation for Deputy Inspector Ralph Clement , Accepting on his behalf are his Sergeant Joanna Medina and Police Officer Alex Huang recognized by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adam and Citation was presented by Dilip Chauhan Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs of Brooklyn Borough President, and Detective Annand H. Narayan
Pic 6: Dilip Chauhan, Executive Director of SouthEast/ Asian Affairs
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