This speech was held 54 years ago. (I somewhat shortened it. If you want to hear the full thing, or are annoyed by the added music, then you should find it if you search for Enoch Powell rivers of blood speech.)
54 years!
Whats the excuse again for those who claim that no-one back then, could have seen the current situation coming? Stupidity?
Well in that case they dont belong into positions of power.
This speech was held 54 years ago. (I somewhat shortened it. If you want to hear the full thing, or are annoyed by the added music, then you should find it if you search for Enoch Powell rivers of blood speech.)
54 years!
Whats the excuse again for those who claim that no-one back then, could have seen the current situation coming? Stupidity?
Well in that case they dont belong into positions of power.
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