Maarit has successfully managed to live a double life - a male body transformed into an attractive and intelligent woman. However, this new life has come at a considerable price, as many transgendered individuals have come to discover. Estranged from her wife and daughter, Maarit feels like a stranger in a cold but familiar world, that is, until the day she meets Sami. In the midst of a marital crisis, Sami has come to seek the help of Maarit's employer, a therapist. In the therapist's absence, Maarit feels compelled to help the man, even if it means impersonating the therapist to get through to Sami...
Maarit has successfully managed to live a double life - a male body transformed into an attractive and intelligent woman. However, this new life has come at a considerable price, as many transgendered individuals have come to discover. Estranged from her wife and daughter, Maarit feels like a stranger in a cold but familiar world, that is, until the day she meets Sami. In the midst of a marital crisis, Sami has come to seek the help of Maarit's employer, a therapist. In the therapist's absence, Maarit feels compelled to help the man, even if it means impersonating the therapist to get through to Sami...
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