Green Book is an American comedy and drama film, released in 2018. The plot is about the journey to the Deep South that the African-American classical pianist Don Shirley, played by Mahershala Ali, and Tony Vallelonga. Set in the 1960s. interpreted with great lucidity by Viggo Mortensen, an Italian-American bodyguard who serves as driver and security for Shirley. It is directed by Peter Farrelly and won the Oscar for best film in 2018 among other awards.
Green Book is an American comedy and drama film, released in 2018. The plot is about the journey to the Deep South that the African-American classical pianist Don Shirley, played by Mahershala Ali, and Tony Vallelonga. Set in the 1960s. interpreted with great lucidity by Viggo Mortensen, an Italian-American bodyguard who serves as driver and security for Shirley. It is directed by Peter Farrelly and won the Oscar for best film in 2018 among other awards.
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