Welcome to part 85 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. Before tackling the Weapons, I wanted to see if there was anything else I was missing out on. There are two pretty significant Materia that can be obtained in the Battle Square that I hadn't got. The 1st of those is W-Summon which lets you summon twice, then the interesting Final Attack Materia, which allows you to use a paired materia when the character is KOed. Could prove useful against superbosses that could potentially be KO-ing you multiple times ;) Thanks to dansg08 (
Welcome to part 85 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. Before tackling the Weapons, I wanted to see if there was anything else I was missing out on. There are two pretty significant Materia that can be obtained in the Battle Square that I hadn't got. The 1st of those is W-Summon which lets you summon twice, then the interesting Final Attack Materia, which allows you to use a paired materia when the character is KOed. Could prove useful against superbosses that could potentially be KO-ing you multiple times ;) Thanks to dansg08 (
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