Welcome to part 84 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We're done with the Ultimate Weapons and the Level 4 Limit Breaks, but before I move on I decide to fill out the Enemy Skill materia with all 24 skills. Some are easier to get than others. I picked up 16 during the playthrough and take some time to get the last 8. This is a bit of a compilation video but I hope it is helpful for people playing the game and need a more visual reference for where to find the enemies that have the enemy skills and how to get them. Thanks to dansg08 (
Welcome to part 84 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We're done with the Ultimate Weapons and the Level 4 Limit Breaks, but before I move on I decide to fill out the Enemy Skill materia with all 24 skills. Some are easier to get than others. I picked up 16 during the playthrough and take some time to get the last 8. This is a bit of a compilation video but I hope it is helpful for people playing the game and need a more visual reference for where to find the enemies that have the enemy skills and how to get them. Thanks to dansg08 (
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