Welcome to part 45 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We take a break from the main storyline to do a sidequest, as voted by you guys. We are heading to the town of Wutai, where Yuffie is from. There are 2 good reasons to visit here now - 1) Yuffie’s character needs some development and context, 2) There are Boss battles here that will become a wipeout if I do them at the end of disc 2. This is a pretty fun segment of the game as feels way more like early main storyline shenanigans than a sidequest. Thanks to dansg08 (
Welcome to part 45 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We take a break from the main storyline to do a sidequest, as voted by you guys. We are heading to the town of Wutai, where Yuffie is from. There are 2 good reasons to visit here now - 1) Yuffie’s character needs some development and context, 2) There are Boss battles here that will become a wipeout if I do them at the end of disc 2. This is a pretty fun segment of the game as feels way more like early main storyline shenanigans than a sidequest. Thanks to dansg08 (
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