Welcome to part 33 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We make it to the place where Sephiroth learned of his true nature and began his path of power and revenge fuelled destruction. Sephiroth waits for us there, and tells us of a cryptic "Reunion" which seems to involve Jenova and a "calamity from the skies"... In order to continue we must scale Mt Nibel and make i through the caves. Thanks to dansg08 (
Welcome to part 33 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We make it to the place where Sephiroth learned of his true nature and began his path of power and revenge fuelled destruction. Sephiroth waits for us there, and tells us of a cryptic "Reunion" which seems to involve Jenova and a "calamity from the skies"... In order to continue we must scale Mt Nibel and make i through the caves. Thanks to dansg08 (
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