Welcome to part 18 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We arrive in Junon, and see the effects that the Shinra's quest for more Mako energy has had. A once prosperous fishing town is now left with only the memory of better days in the past. We meet a young girl, Priscilla, who is understandably wary of the unknown group that has entered her town. But before we can let her know that we aren't a threat, she gets herself in trouble, and the gang have to intervene. Thanks to dansg08 (
Welcome to part 18 of this commentary playthrough of Final Fantasy VII. We arrive in Junon, and see the effects that the Shinra's quest for more Mako energy has had. A once prosperous fishing town is now left with only the memory of better days in the past. We meet a young girl, Priscilla, who is understandably wary of the unknown group that has entered her town. But before we can let her know that we aren't a threat, she gets herself in trouble, and the gang have to intervene. Thanks to dansg08 (
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