E33 “Out on the Town” - T.K. and Patamon get into a fight on their way home, and when Patamon flies off, Matt and T.K. follow him into Shibuya. They encounter Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, who are more interested in having fun rather than helping Myotismon. When they refuse to fight Matt and T.K., Myotismon punishes them. Angered, WereGarurumon and Angemon drive Myotismon away
E34 “The Eighth Child Revealed" - With Wizardmon's help, Gatomon discovers that Kari is the eighth child and she is her partner. Entrusting Kari's Digivice to Tai, Wizardmon and Gatomon infiltrate Myotismon's lair to steal the Crest of Light. Myotismon catches them in the process and discovers the truth as well, throwing Wizardmon into the ocean while holding Gatomon captive
E35 “Flower Power" - Myotismon surrounds Odaiba in fog and has his followers capture all families living in the city. Among the prisoners, Sora and Mimi try to plan an escape, using Joe's Buddhist mantra to weaken the Bakemon. However, Phantomon is unaffected and DarkTyrannomon overpowers Togemon. After Togemon Digivolves into Lillymon to tame DarkTyrannomon, she finds herself facing Myotismon while Biyomon Digivolves into Birdramon to drive off Phantomon
E36 “City Under Siege" - Sora escapes, but Mimi is recaptured, while Izzy heads to Fuji TV Station. Joe and T.K. travel back through Odaiba Bay and find Wizardmon, but they are attacked by MegaSeadramon, who is defeated by Ikkakumon's ultimate form, Zudomon. Tai entrusts Kari to Matt before heading towards the convention center, but Phantomon follows Sora to them, resulting Phantomon to summon Tuskmon and Snimon to attack Sora and Matt. Kari sacrifices and reveals herself as the eighth child in exchange for their safety
E37 “Wizardmon's Gift" - The DigiDestined reunite at Fuji TV Station to fight Myotismon and Phantomon. Myotismon tries to kill Kari and Gatomon, Wizardmon sacrifices himself to protect them. Distraught, Kari causes Gatomon to Digivolve into Angewomon, destroying Myotismon with a combined attack. However, fog E38 “Prophecy" - Myotismon is reborn as VenomMyotismon, empowering himself by consuming his army before advancing to the convention center for the humans. Recalling Gennai's prophecy from earlier, Izzy discovers that Angemon and Angewomon must strike Tai and Matt in order to bring about a miracle that will allow them to defeat VenomMyotismon. Tai and Matt risk their lives and fulfill the prophecy, allowing Agumon and Gabumon to Warp Digivolve into WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon
E39 “The Battle for Earth" - VenomMyotismon is defeated after he exposes his weak point, which WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon exploit. The fog clears to reveal the Digital World reflected in the sky, and the DigiDestined realize that the boundaries between both worlds have begun to intersect, as years have passed in the Digital World since their departure. The DigiDestined decide to return to the Digital World, leaving their families
E40 “Enter the Dark Masters" - As the DigiDestined return to the Digital World, they encounter Chuumon, w
E33 “Out on the Town” - T.K. and Patamon get into a fight on their way home, and when Patamon flies off, Matt and T.K. follow him into Shibuya. They encounter Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, who are more interested in having fun rather than helping Myotismon. When they refuse to fight Matt and T.K., Myotismon punishes them. Angered, WereGarurumon and Angemon drive Myotismon away
E34 “The Eighth Child Revealed" - With Wizardmon's help, Gatomon discovers that Kari is the eighth child and she is her partner. Entrusting Kari's Digivice to Tai, Wizardmon and Gatomon infiltrate Myotismon's lair to steal the Crest of Light. Myotismon catches them in the process and discovers the truth as well, throwing Wizardmon into the ocean while holding Gatomon captive
E35 “Flower Power" - Myotismon surrounds Odaiba in fog and has his followers capture all families living in the city. Among the prisoners, Sora and Mimi try to plan an escape, using Joe's Buddhist mantra to weaken the Bakemon. However, Phantomon is unaffected and DarkTyrannomon overpowers Togemon. After Togemon Digivolves into Lillymon to tame DarkTyrannomon, she finds herself facing Myotismon while Biyomon Digivolves into Birdramon to drive off Phantomon
E36 “City Under Siege" - Sora escapes, but Mimi is recaptured, while Izzy heads to Fuji TV Station. Joe and T.K. travel back through Odaiba Bay and find Wizardmon, but they are attacked by MegaSeadramon, who is defeated by Ikkakumon's ultimate form, Zudomon. Tai entrusts Kari to Matt before heading towards the convention center, but Phantomon follows Sora to them, resulting Phantomon to summon Tuskmon and Snimon to attack Sora and Matt. Kari sacrifices and reveals herself as the eighth child in exchange for their safety
E37 “Wizardmon's Gift" - The DigiDestined reunite at Fuji TV Station to fight Myotismon and Phantomon. Myotismon tries to kill Kari and Gatomon, Wizardmon sacrifices himself to protect them. Distraught, Kari causes Gatomon to Digivolve into Angewomon, destroying Myotismon with a combined attack. However, fog E38 “Prophecy" - Myotismon is reborn as VenomMyotismon, empowering himself by consuming his army before advancing to the convention center for the humans. Recalling Gennai's prophecy from earlier, Izzy discovers that Angemon and Angewomon must strike Tai and Matt in order to bring about a miracle that will allow them to defeat VenomMyotismon. Tai and Matt risk their lives and fulfill the prophecy, allowing Agumon and Gabumon to Warp Digivolve into WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon
E39 “The Battle for Earth" - VenomMyotismon is defeated after he exposes his weak point, which WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon exploit. The fog clears to reveal the Digital World reflected in the sky, and the DigiDestined realize that the boundaries between both worlds have begun to intersect, as years have passed in the Digital World since their departure. The DigiDestined decide to return to the Digital World, leaving their families
E40 “Enter the Dark Masters" - As the DigiDestined return to the Digital World, they encounter Chuumon, w
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