E22 “Forget About It!" - Tai and Agumon return to the Digital World to find Tokomon, who reveals that everyone has split up to find them after weeks since their disappearance. Meanwhile, DemiDevimon causes a rift between T.K. and Tokomon and secretly plans on feeding T.K. amnesic mushrooms. Agumon exposes DemiDevimon, and Tokomon Digivolves into Patamon to drive DemiDevimon away
E23 “WereGarurumon's Diner" - Matt finds Joe working at Digitamamon's diner to pay off his debt and agrees to help. DemiDevimon bribes Digitamamon to keep them while setting off accidents that makes Matt question Joe. However, once Digitamamon's scheme is exposed, they battle him with Tai and T.K. Joe sacrifices himself to save T.K., leading Matt to see him as a true friend and allowing Garurumon to Digivolve into WereGarurumon. After Digitamamon's defeat, the group splits up and continue their search for the remaining DigiDestined
E24 ”No Questions, Please" - Izzy falls into Vademon's pocket dimension and is forced to give up his curiosity. Tentomon snaps Izzy out of his trance, but by that time, DemiDevimon tries to buy Izzy's Crest from Vademon. In the confusion, Izzy recovers his Crest and his curiosity as he causes Kabuterimon to Digivolve into MegaKabuterimon, defeating Vademon. Izzy and Motimon are found by Matt and T.K. soon after
E25 ”Princess Karaoke" - Tai and Joe find Mimi with the Gekomon and Otamamon, who treat her like a princess hoping that her singing voice will awaken ShogunGekomon. However, Mimi becomes too consumed in being pampered to give it up and imprisons Tai and the others after they attempt to record her voice. After a nightmare, Mimi apologizes and awakens ShogunGekomon. ShogunGekomon, however, attacks Mimi, causing MetalGreymon to defeat him
E26 “Sora's Crest of Love" - After Birdramon defeated Flymon, the DigiDestined find Sora, realizing that she had been helping them in secret. Sora is convinced by DemiDevimon that her Crest would never glow, recalling her relationship with her mother. At night, Myotismon a E27 ”The Gateway to Home" - Gennai appears and tells them that there is an eighth DigiDestined and that Myotismon is planning to go to the Real World with an army of evil Digimon to find the child. The DigiDestined infiltrate Myotismon's castle to stop him entering the Real World, but they fail when Gatomon distracts them with the Devidramon
E28 ”It's All in the Cards" - The DigiDestined travels to Gennai's home, where he unravels secrets about the Digital World. They return to Myotismon's castle to open the gate and battle Dokugumon. The fight causes the castle to crumble as WereGarurumon destroys Dokugumon, but they manage to open the gateway and escape through it
E29 “Return to Highton View Terrace" - The DigiDestined find themselves back at camp, learning they were only gone for a few minutes. They proceed to head towards Highton View Terrace to try to find the eighth child. There, a battle between Garudamon and Mammothmon helps them recall them witnessing a battle four years ago between a Greymon and a P
E22 “Forget About It!" - Tai and Agumon return to the Digital World to find Tokomon, who reveals that everyone has split up to find them after weeks since their disappearance. Meanwhile, DemiDevimon causes a rift between T.K. and Tokomon and secretly plans on feeding T.K. amnesic mushrooms. Agumon exposes DemiDevimon, and Tokomon Digivolves into Patamon to drive DemiDevimon away
E23 “WereGarurumon's Diner" - Matt finds Joe working at Digitamamon's diner to pay off his debt and agrees to help. DemiDevimon bribes Digitamamon to keep them while setting off accidents that makes Matt question Joe. However, once Digitamamon's scheme is exposed, they battle him with Tai and T.K. Joe sacrifices himself to save T.K., leading Matt to see him as a true friend and allowing Garurumon to Digivolve into WereGarurumon. After Digitamamon's defeat, the group splits up and continue their search for the remaining DigiDestined
E24 ”No Questions, Please" - Izzy falls into Vademon's pocket dimension and is forced to give up his curiosity. Tentomon snaps Izzy out of his trance, but by that time, DemiDevimon tries to buy Izzy's Crest from Vademon. In the confusion, Izzy recovers his Crest and his curiosity as he causes Kabuterimon to Digivolve into MegaKabuterimon, defeating Vademon. Izzy and Motimon are found by Matt and T.K. soon after
E25 ”Princess Karaoke" - Tai and Joe find Mimi with the Gekomon and Otamamon, who treat her like a princess hoping that her singing voice will awaken ShogunGekomon. However, Mimi becomes too consumed in being pampered to give it up and imprisons Tai and the others after they attempt to record her voice. After a nightmare, Mimi apologizes and awakens ShogunGekomon. ShogunGekomon, however, attacks Mimi, causing MetalGreymon to defeat him
E26 “Sora's Crest of Love" - After Birdramon defeated Flymon, the DigiDestined find Sora, realizing that she had been helping them in secret. Sora is convinced by DemiDevimon that her Crest would never glow, recalling her relationship with her mother. At night, Myotismon a E27 ”The Gateway to Home" - Gennai appears and tells them that there is an eighth DigiDestined and that Myotismon is planning to go to the Real World with an army of evil Digimon to find the child. The DigiDestined infiltrate Myotismon's castle to stop him entering the Real World, but they fail when Gatomon distracts them with the Devidramon
E28 ”It's All in the Cards" - The DigiDestined travels to Gennai's home, where he unravels secrets about the Digital World. They return to Myotismon's castle to open the gate and battle Dokugumon. The fight causes the castle to crumble as WereGarurumon destroys Dokugumon, but they manage to open the gateway and escape through it
E29 “Return to Highton View Terrace" - The DigiDestined find themselves back at camp, learning they were only gone for a few minutes. They proceed to head towards Highton View Terrace to try to find the eighth child. There, a battle between Garudamon and Mammothmon helps them recall them witnessing a battle four years ago between a Greymon and a P
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