Don't know about the future, that's anybody's guess. Ain't no good reason for getting all depressed. Fire up your pad and pencil, I'll give you a piece of my mind, In my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine. Stop all your fussin', Slap on a smile Come out and walk in the sun for awhile. Don't fight the feeling, you know you want to have a good time. And in my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine.
Don't know about the future, that's anybody's guess. Ain't no good reason for getting all depressed. Fire up your pad and pencil, I'll give you a piece of my mind, In my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine. Stop all your fussin', Slap on a smile Come out and walk in the sun for awhile. Don't fight the feeling, you know you want to have a good time. And in my opinionation, the sun is gonna surely shine.
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