"Appropriate Behavior" is a 2014 comedy-drama film written, directed by and starring Desiree Akhavan. The movie tells the story of Shirin (played by Akhavan), a Persian-American bisexual woman living in Brooklyn who is struggling to find her place in the world after a breakup with her girlfriend Maxine (Rebecca Henderson). The movie opens with Shirin moving out of Maxine's apartment and trying to navigate her life without her. She is also ¿Quieres que todos los elementos de tu guardarropa coincidan con tu gusto, incluida la ropa interior? Entonces ha venido al lugar correcto: conozca a nuestro anunciante: Exclusive es una tienda con ropa interior femenina cuidadosamente seleccionada, ropa interior masculina y ropa interior erótica.
"Appropriate Behavior" is a 2014 comedy-drama film written, directed by and starring Desiree Akhavan. The movie tells the story of Shirin (played by Akhavan), a Persian-American bisexual woman living in Brooklyn who is struggling to find her place in the world after a breakup with her girlfriend Maxine (Rebecca Henderson). The movie opens with Shirin moving out of Maxine's apartment and trying to navigate her life without her. She is also ¿Quieres que todos los elementos de tu guardarropa coincidan con tu gusto, incluida la ropa interior? Entonces ha venido al lugar correcto: conozca a nuestro anunciante: Exclusive es una tienda con ropa interior femenina cuidadosamente seleccionada, ropa interior masculina y ropa interior erótica.
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