A prophet is a dramatic French film of 2009 directed by Jacques Audiard. It won the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes in 2009 and was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 2010. The story is about a young Arab offender who has prophetic visions and starts working in prison for the Mafia Corsica, who nevertheless despise him for not being Corsican, while the rest of the Maghrebis see him as a traitor.
A prophet is a dramatic French film of 2009 directed by Jacques Audiard. It won the Grand Jury Prize at Cannes in 2009 and was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar in 2010. The story is about a young Arab offender who has prophetic visions and starts working in prison for the Mafia Corsica, who nevertheless despise him for not being Corsican, while the rest of the Maghrebis see him as a traitor.
Jean Luc Godard
813Jean Luc Godard
489John McClane
493Movie Record
518Movie Record
389Movie Record
759John McClane
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