This sequel focuses on ex-police officer Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker), who relocates from Los Angeles to Miami to start over. Becoming involved in the street-racing scene in his new city, Brian befriends car-savvy Tej (Chris "Ludacris" Bridges) and Suki (Devon Aoki), but his competitive streak ends when federal agents apprehend him and he must enter into a deal with the FBI. Working with new partner Roman Pearce (Tyrese), Brian begins a dangerous mission to take down a powerful drug dealer.
This sequel focuses on ex-police officer Brian O'Conner (Paul Walker), who relocates from Los Angeles to Miami to start over. Becoming involved in the street-racing scene in his new city, Brian befriends car-savvy Tej (Chris "Ludacris" Bridges) and Suki (Devon Aoki), but his competitive streak ends when federal agents apprehend him and he must enter into a deal with the FBI. Working with new partner Roman Pearce (Tyrese), Brian begins a dangerous mission to take down a powerful drug dealer.
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