Blue Thunder S01E04 Revenge In The Sky (60fps)
-A fighter jet is stolen. The Feds go to the team and ask for their help in locating the jet. When they find it, the agent who joins them, tells them to shoot it down which they were not told they were going to do. The jet escapes. Frank then asks what's going on, the agent in charge doesn't tell them much, only to do what they are told to. Frank gets close to the agent and she wants to tell him but can't. Later she goes to Frank shot and dies before she can say anything.
Blue Thunder S01E04 Revenge In The Sky (60fps)
-A fighter jet is stolen. The Feds go to the team and ask for their help in locating the jet. When they find it, the agent who joins them, tells them to shoot it down which they were not told they were going to do. The jet escapes. Frank then asks what's going on, the agent in charge doesn't tell them much, only to do what they are told to. Frank gets close to the agent and she wants to tell him but can't. Later she goes to Frank shot and dies before she can say anything.
Blue Thunder - The Series (TV)
5.5kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
6kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
5.2kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
5.6kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
5.6kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
5.3kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
5.5kBlue Thunder - The Series (TV)
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