That Old Black Magic - Frank Sinatra. En direct "Oldies Goldies". That old black magic has me in its spell That old black magic that you weave so well Those icy fingers up and down my spine The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine The same old tingle that I feel inside And then that elevator starts its ride And down and down I go 'Round and 'round I go Like a leaf that's caught in the tide I should stay away but what can I do I hear your name and I'm aflame Aflame with such a burning desire That only your kiss can put out the fire 'Cause you are the lover I have waited for The mate that fate had me created for And every time your lips meet mine Darling, down and down I go 'Round and 'round I go In a spin, lovin the spin that I'm in Under that old black magic called love Vous pouvez écouter et télécharger la chanson That Old Black Magic de Frank Sinatra sur Tokyvideo.
That Old Black Magic - Frank Sinatra. En direct "Oldies Goldies". That old black magic has me in its spell That old black magic that you weave so well Those icy fingers up and down my spine The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine The same old tingle that I feel inside And then that elevator starts its ride And down and down I go 'Round and 'round I go Like a leaf that's caught in the tide I should stay away but what can I do I hear your name and I'm aflame Aflame with such a burning desire That only your kiss can put out the fire 'Cause you are the lover I have waited for The mate that fate had me created for And every time your lips meet mine Darling, down and down I go 'Round and 'round I go In a spin, lovin the spin that I'm in Under that old black magic called love Vous pouvez écouter et télécharger la chanson That Old Black Magic de Frank Sinatra sur Tokyvideo.
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