Plot – Spoilers:
The third in the Hotel Inferno series begins with a nice timelapse of freezing and thawing meat as Frank stumbles his way through an icy corner of hell that could also have been a favorite among late-90s underground black-metal bands for their music videos.
With the Witch strapped to his back, some of the shit the impulsive Frank suffers is truly hilarious. There are also creatures that require their heads bashed in to die, flesh guns and monster chicken with dicks big enough to be ripped off.
MessengerFacebookTwitterWhatsAppMessagePinterest AKA: Hotel Inferno 3: The Castle of Screams
Directed by: Giulio De Santi, Tiziana Machella
Starring: Rayner Bourton (Frank Zimosa), Sarah T. Cohen (The Witch), Tiziana Machella (Frank’s mother)
Country: Italy; Effed Up Italian Movies
Language: English (Optional Eng Subs)
Runtime: 01:07:47
Genres: Gore-Gruesome-Splatter, Self mutilation
Plot – Spoilers:
The third in the Hotel Inferno series begins with a nice timelapse of freezing and thawing meat as Frank stumbles his way through an icy corner of hell that could also have been a favorite among late-90s underground black-metal bands for their music videos.
With the Witch strapped to his back, some of the shit the impulsive Frank suffers is truly hilarious. There are also creatures that require their heads bashed in to die, flesh guns and monster chicken with dicks big enough to be ripped off.
MessengerFacebookTwitterWhatsAppMessagePinterest AKA: Hotel Inferno 3: The Castle of Screams
Directed by: Giulio De Santi, Tiziana Machella
Starring: Rayner Bourton (Frank Zimosa), Sarah T. Cohen (The Witch), Tiziana Machella (Frank’s mother)
Country: Italy; Effed Up Italian Movies
Language: English (Optional Eng Subs)
Runtime: 01:07:47
Genres: Gore-Gruesome-Splatter, Self mutilation
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