Georgie visits his father, George Sr.'s, grave. He claims he can handle the responsibilities of both his old family and new family with Mandy. Ruben taunting him, Audrey undercutting him, Mandy's job search and his younger sister Missy all add to his stress. Missy has him pick her up after she is suspended from school for pulling the fire alarm to get out of a test. At home, Mandy suggesting they may move for her job prospects sets Georgie off and he accuses Audrey of the idea. He storms out but goes to the hospital believing he's having a heart attack. The doctor says it is actually a panic attack. He returns and tells Mandy. They make up and Georgie apologizes the next day to Audrey. Georgie returns to George's grave and admits he doesn't have it all under control and admires how George did it. He later brings Missy to the grave where she lets out some of her grief.
Georgie visits his father, George Sr.'s, grave. He claims he can handle the responsibilities of both his old family and new family with Mandy. Ruben taunting him, Audrey undercutting him, Mandy's job search and his younger sister Missy all add to his stress. Missy has him pick her up after she is suspended from school for pulling the fire alarm to get out of a test. At home, Mandy suggesting they may move for her job prospects sets Georgie off and he accuses Audrey of the idea. He storms out but goes to the hospital believing he's having a heart attack. The doctor says it is actually a panic attack. He returns and tells Mandy. They make up and Georgie apologizes the next day to Audrey. Georgie returns to George's grave and admits he doesn't have it all under control and admires how George did it. He later brings Missy to the grave where she lets out some of her grief.
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