Picking up from the end of Young Sheldon, newlyweds Georgie Cooper and Mandy McAllister, along with their infant daughter Cece, are living with Mandy's parents Audrey and Jim, and her younger brother Connor. Georgie works at Jim's auto and tire shop, much to the disdain of fellow employee Ruben who believes Georgie doesn't deserve authority over him. Mandy and Audrey have an argument when Audrey implies that as Cece is not talking yet (despite her being less than a year old), she could be dumb like Georgie. As a result, Georgie & Mandy decide to move out to a small place near the train tracks. They are given some housewarming gifts by Georgie's mother Mary, and grandmother, Connie. After talking with Jim, Audrey apologizes to Mandy and they return to the house. As Georgie starts to confront Audrey for insulting him, Cece says "Dada"; her first word through the baby monitor.
Picking up from the end of Young Sheldon, newlyweds Georgie Cooper and Mandy McAllister, along with their infant daughter Cece, are living with Mandy's parents Audrey and Jim, and her younger brother Connor. Georgie works at Jim's auto and tire shop, much to the disdain of fellow employee Ruben who believes Georgie doesn't deserve authority over him. Mandy and Audrey have an argument when Audrey implies that as Cece is not talking yet (despite her being less than a year old), she could be dumb like Georgie. As a result, Georgie & Mandy decide to move out to a small place near the train tracks. They are given some housewarming gifts by Georgie's mother Mary, and grandmother, Connie. After talking with Jim, Audrey apologizes to Mandy and they return to the house. As Georgie starts to confront Audrey for insulting him, Cece says "Dada"; her first word through the baby monitor.
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